Thursday, July 12, 2007

I've Been Subpoenaed

Thanks to the TV series Crime Scene Investigation (CSI), I have some clues of how the justice system work. It maybe kind of different here in this country compared to the United States but there's not much different from what I've seen so far. I got a call from my mother last Sunday that a policeman was looking for me at my grandfather's house (just 5 minutes drive from where I live), she asked me whether I've done something wrong somewhere. I couldn't remember any so I asked my mother to forward the handphone of the police officer who went searching for me.

It was then explained that I have a "sepina". I've heard of "sepina" before, it's some kind of court order that is an order for you to show up in court. I called up my friend who is studying law about it and he confirmed it. I then spent a few hours doing online searches on what is a "sepina" really is but never found anything. I was puzzled, I searched on the online dictionary, the legal dictionary but it was no where to found. It was only when I use Yahoo Answers, I found out that "sepina" is actually spelled as "subpoena". Read more about "What Is A Subpoena". Click on the image below for an enlarged view (I've blurred out some of the information to protect my identity of course).
Ashrufzz Being Subpoena Ashrufzz Being Subpoena (English)

So, what did I do wrong? I never did. It was all about what had happened to my car last year. This would be my first experience being in court. From what I've understood, someone got caught and my car was the victim but what I don't understand is, why should I be testifying when I wasn't there witnessing the crime? It could be because of what happened to my police report the other day. Well, I have to attend the court scheduled next week to see what is really is. I'm not sure if I need to apply for a leave, take half a day off or just take a couple of hours off but I do know that it is compulsory for me to go to court or else I am going to get charged for holding on to something fishy.

Here's a catchy phrase- "See you in court!"

1 comment:

Ashrufzz Reality Adventure » Blog Archive » A Long Day At Court said...

[...] on the 3rd floor, I walked down the room was almost near the end of the corridor. After I submit my subpoena letter I got, I had to wait for the court session to start. Half an hour later, the police officer in [...]