Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Getting To Know Your Real Web Host

I find that the web hosting industry is one of the most competitive industry. There's ad about it everywhere on the internet. You can actually change your web hosting plan whenever you want as long as you don't mind spending your digital money. However, competitive doesn't mean that it's not a good thing. Now anyone with the right knowledge can be an online web hosting entrepreneur by just buying a small monthly or yearly fees and seek out client online or offline. How do we know who are the original web hosting company that is really handling all the back end once it's being repackaged or rebranded? We use this service:

Where Ashrufzz Reality Adventure Hosted

I have always wanted to know where is the actual server that my blog sits on, so where is Staminus Communication located?

I don't really know who my rebranded web host by reading their brief description but I couldn't find any cheaper and better feature than what they are offering. Now that I now know where my blog is physically sit, I can now rest assured that I've made a good buying decision.Check out where your blog or website is hosted: Who Is Hosting This?

1 comment:

vangardx said...

thanks for your entry..nice post