Wednesday, March 28, 2007

My First Google Snail Mail

Last Monday, I got a mail from Google. This was a surprise for me since I had never got any ordinary mail from them before. I only got charged by Google on my mother's credit card for using Adwords 4 years ago. It looks like Google Adsense is sending out Google Adsense Personal Identification Number (PIN) to Adsense publishers. This is to ensure payment for your account.

I don't really consider myself as a publisher yet. I do write on my blogs but most of the stuff I write is kind of informal. I'm trimming down my blogs and for now I only focus on this blog. You can only write so much in the hours you have in your life. Anyway, I have a long way to go before I can ask for a payout from Google Adsense. Still, it is good to know that Google hasn't forgotten the old fashion standard snail mail.

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