Anyway, the guy confesses that he had never shop online so he had never bought any domains and he has no idea how to do it. So, being a good guy I've always been, hehe..I facilitated him over what is supposed to be done. If you have never bought something online, then things can be pretty scary because you have a fear of screwing things up. Still, the best way to learn is by doing mistakes and that is normal. I've been shopping online for a while but my first time entering my mom's credit card, I can still remember the goosebumps.
So, how do you buy a domain name? It is fairly simple. Let me show you how I did it and I'm not even paying it with any of my own cash. Okay, first step:
Just fill in the form to see if your domain name of choice is available or not. Mine was unique so I'm the owner.
I had Byethost, the webhost that I had use to host a couple of free subdomain wordpress blogs. There are free php hosting that allows you to host your own domain but that's a different topic. The cheapest domain name (unused one of course) that I found was USD8. So, basically Byethost offered a yearly package of USD35.99 with a free domain name registration for a whole year with an extreme amount of features. That is about USD2.99 per month or RM10.50 per month.
So with the PayPal money that I've gotten by writing paid posting from Blogvertise, I bought the domain and the web hosting subscription.
The only thing that is required is that you must have a PayPal account that has a credit card or the right debit card attached to make the transaction or else you can't even get any money into PayPal itself.
That's about it. The transaction is done. Now just wait for the moderator contact you by e-mail. It should take no more than a day unless if the moderator is on holiday. I had to wait for 4 days before my domain and web host got activated.
The conclusion. Don't be afraid to shop online. Need help? Asked a friend who had tried it. Shop till you drop my friends!
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