Saturday, May 19, 2007

My PayPerPost Love

I've been writing sponsored blog posts for quite some time already. I don't really write much as my previous sponsored blog provider only e-mails me whenever there is such opportunity to do so. Still, I my only concern is I don't find it interesting to read text book kind of writing. So being that case producing high quality post that has my personality is my number one priority when writing blog posts.

I've registered with PayPerPost for quite some time ago. However, I have not wrote any sponsored blog post provided by PayPerPost yet. The reason; I was lazy to find open opportunities that they have to offer. Another reason is, PayPerPost administration page is so slow that I wandered off somewhere and had forgotten that I was supposed to learn, find and write about sponsored blog post from PayPerPost.

Since this would be my first ever sponsored blog post from PayPerPost, I'm penniless at the moment. I did however earned almost USD70 from my previous sponsored blog post provider and here what I did with the money I had earned:
  • Traded for cash (It was hard to convert to cash in banks from country)
  • Bought domain names for myself
  • Bought web hosting services
  • Bought a cheap e-book
I guess when I made some money with PayPerPost, I'd be doing the same thing but I should be focusing on writing blog post first.

What I've learned from writing sponsored blog post is that there are certain stuff that we don't really know but because of the motivation to earn that money, we somehow still pursue on digging the information to write about it. Therefore, by writing sponsored blog posts, it can be a new discovery by itself.

Word of mouth marketing these days are becoming more and more trusted. This is because we are now listening to the person that we trust instead of some lame marketing ploy that just wants our money. It is definitely crucial for business and word of mouth can travel a lot faster than we can ever imagine. Which is why I love PayPerPost effort in spreading the word of mouth marketing.

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