Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Goodbye Shoutbox

I always like the shoutbox on the sidebar. It's a useful tool to make conversation to my visitors. However, recently my shoutbox has been attacked by spammers:


I understand that spammers do make money and I've read that there are a few of spammers get paid handsomely. What I do not understand is why are the links given is full of crap? Isn't there someone who is monitoring what ads they put on a spam mail? Or maybe there are zombie computers that is program to send spam mails.

Anyway I'm taking my shoutbox down for a while. Installing a wordpress plugin called Bad Behaviour didn't work out much. Eventhough it is recommended but there are still spams. It's not that difficult to become a spammer, I've tried it once but I do not see the value in it.

I'll get another shoutbox for my blog soon.


ZeMMs said...

A suggestion: Get a shoutmix.. its spam-free.. plus Malaysian-made :D

ikram_zidane said...

change to shoutmix..