Monday, September 08, 2008

Soft Fish Spa Experience at Kepong Brem Mall

There’s a new shopping mall just 5 minutes away from my house. In less than 2 years, a huge building that was under construction is now finally opened. The parking is still free but don’t expect anything yet since only a handful of shop is opened. The mall is called Kepong Brem Mall. While walking on the concourse area, I saw this small pool containing small fishes. I was then handed this flyer:

Soft Fish Spa Flyer
The Soft Fish Spa Flyer

I was with LV and she insisted for us to try it out. The girl gave us a RM3 discount so we just had to pay RM10 each for a 20 minutes soft fish spa experience. I was first kind scared by the fish. I kept on thinking of “what if the fish bite the flesh of my feet like the piranhas “. The promoter girl calm us down and said there is no such thing, it might be ticklish the first 5 minutes but that will all go away once you’ve adjusted. I trusted the girl so I dip my feet first since LV was scared too.

Trying Out The Soft Fish Spa
Trying Out The Soft Fish Spa

The picture was like after I had adjusted myself. The first 5 to 7 minutes after I dipped my feet in, I was attracting kids and adults who were passing by laughing out loudly and giggling non-stop. The fish was really tickling my feet. LV was scared by my laughing so she decided not to pursue eventhough she was the one who wanted to try in the first place.

Dipping My Feet into The Soft Fish Spa Pool
Dipping My Feet into The Soft Fish Spa Pool

The so called ‘Doctor Fish’ is a toothless fish and they were like kissing my skin which result in the ticklish feeling. The fish after a while kind of avoided my feet (maybe they were too tired I guess) but then they came back. I was annoyed at some kids who scared the fish by hitting the plastic pool. After the session finish, I can still feel the tingling sensation on my feet. There isn’t much difference after I washed my feet before I went to bed that night.

I did some Googling and I found out that in Sunway, there is another bigger Fish Spa outlet called Fisho but instead of just your feet, you can dip your entire leg in. You can also see Jiaming’s First Fish Spa Experience where the fish were really hungry for her feet. There’s also another Fish Spa in Pavillion, Jalan Bukit Bintang. I don’t think I’ll be trying this again so soon.


Afif said...

The promoter girl said all the fishes died shortly after mwahahaha!

dear LV said...

excuse me!i'm not scared to give my feet to all those fishes but scared by ur laugh..haha..mcm bgegar brem mall tu dgr die gelak.. :-P

estnora said...

hahaha... so how it feels? kelihatan lebih muda kah anda? :p

iCalvyn said...

I am looking for this kind of shop at penang... so far cant find 1

fiza said...

eh' kat brem mall ada kedai ape lagie erh?
besh x ?