Last Thursday, I got a call from True Fitness again. They are again inviting me to come and pick up their 1 week free trial pass. Only this time, they have a system that sends out SMS to remind you of the appointment you made with one of their consultants. I missed my appointment I made on last Friday evening because my boss had a farewell evening tea for me. Yesterday, they called me up again and scheduled another appointment. I was hesitant at first but thinking about it, "Oh what the heck!". The appointment was made this morning at 11am.
I think I should take back what I've said in my previous post by just save your money and jog some place free. If you have the time and money, go ahead and become a gym member (No sales commission for me though). Your health is far more important than your money. It is so easy to crawl back into your unhealthy lifestyle especially for a TV potato couch like myself. At my former office, there is a gym and a swimming pool just 4 floors below that I can just pop in and work out. I never did. Tomorrow, I'm going to work at a new office and that place is also equipped with a gym and swimming pool (I'm just so lucky, don't you think? hehe..). Hopefully, I could make use of it wisely before I consider a paid gym membership.
So, back to gym tour. Again, I had another tour with the gym consultant by the name of Kimy. He's a nice Malay dude (skinny like me also) and I was really comfortable with him. During the tour, I did noticed a couple of new machines and here a tip, if you don't like the crowd when you want to work out, crawl out from your bed and come do it on a Sunday morning. There is less crowd during that time. I also had a 'fat test' where I scored "Acceptable". I think I should increase that level to "Good" and build up more muscle to gain more weight.
Now comes the hard part, pricing. After Kimy did his True Fitness presentation, he did the dissapearing act and call upon his manager. His manager came out and discussed about the price that would be affordable for me. There was a joining fee of RM500 and RM140 processing fees. All that was slashed and I only need to pay a RM50 deposit to secure a price of RM159 per month. Their price has now gone up from the last time I went there. I thought they are going to lower their price as more and more people are signing up with them. Anyway, they preferred paying using credit cards, unfortunately I don't have one. I then managed to talk to Kimy to hold on to that price until I have the cash to pay up for the membership. However, I finally got my free 1 week trial pass for me to use all of their gym facilities.
I then tried working out using the threadmill and a ski running machine. My leg trembled after that since I have long never went on working out. I think I should cut a few hours of watching TV and plan out more time for working out.
By the way, while Kimy was giving me the presentation in the lounge, there was a couple in front of me across the table and the guy I saw look really familiar. I'm not really sure if he was the guy since he wasn't with his girlfriend or maybe his girlfriend looks different or so. Furthermore, I've never even met the guy yet but he has an awesome blog. The guy was wearing a sleeveless shirt and a short (black and dark blue), a pair of rimless spectacles and some big sized sport shoes. Elaneman, was that you?
Stay healthy and prosperous everyone.
maybe you can take a look at these pictures.. scroll to the 2nd last row. You may find out sumtin.. ehehe
Just want to let you know that Mun has dropped by here.
Try the facilities first before you sign up. Happy working out.
oopss.. the link.. (elaneman kembar.. :P )
Azurt: Wah..they really look a like. Yeah, I guess that was his partner this morning.
Mun: Thanks for your advice! ;-)
I was planning to comment on this earlier.. because I read your blog about this right after Zalan (my twin) told me about his trip to the True Fitness Gym. Was shocked when u mentioned about him (and how you confused me from him is kinda funny.. my gf looks different? lol..). Btw, he's gonna post about his trip soon.. :)
What a coincidence isn't it? :P fyi, it was his girlfriend who signed up for the gym.
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