Sunday, September 20, 2009

Selamat Hari Raya 2009

It's 5am in the morning right now. Woke up earlier since I realized I have some stuff needed to be done online. Anyway, today's Hari Raya is slightly different. I was forced to take 3 days of leave since the company is closing down for a week. There were some miss communication within the company regarding the leave and the annual bonus but basically this year, nobody is guarding the office unlike last year's.

This year, not a single physical Hari Raya greeting card for me since I never sent one to anyone. Most probably because people are saving up for other stuff. The price of goods has risen drastically over a year and the economy for most people doesn't look that good. Myself included I supposed. So, SMS wishes and Facebook are now the preferred option nowadays.

This year's Raya would be my final year celebrating it as a single guy. Next year, hopefully I'll be celebrating Hari Raya with my future wife or if lucky a child as well. There are also plans for next year's Hari Raya, I would be celebrating it elsewhere instead of being stuck in KL all these years.

Okay, here's my Hari Raya digital card for this year's Hari Raya 2009:

Selamat Hari Raya 2009 Digital Card

Have a nice Hari Raya celebration, drive save and happy holiday!

1 comment:

daia said...'re getting lame x berkunjung ke sini.haha.hope all goes well for the future..=]