Sunday, June 14, 2009

A Quick June 2009 Update

It's been almost 3 months since my last update. I have been blogging less and less this year. My blogging momentum seems to be slipping away. I also haven't been logging into my blog for a while. When I do, I can see this:

Spam in June 2009

Let me see what I've left out on this blog, I have a list of things in my head to write about but too lazy to type it using my keyboard. I'll try and seek a time to write more often. Anyway, here's a really good quote I've found:

"We do not stop playing because we grow old. We grow old because we stop playing. "

Have nice weekend today!


z3mms said...

your update should include "why" you havent been blogging... been busy with some project lately?

Ashrufzz said...

Good point there. Why eh? Lazy la..haha..Anyway, been busy with some personal eBay project which cannot be disclosed here ;-)

Jayce said...

I was too lazy to blog too for few weeks. But back to normal now. Need to blog to earn some pocket money. No choice. :P