Tuesday, December 26, 2006

How I Discovered John Chow Dot Com

Last September or so, I was actively seeking for methods and some sample of niche websites that I can model. While browsing and searching for information, I discovered WickedFire Forum, an active forum for webmasters. The forum is a established by a super affiliate marketer by the name of Aojon. His blog was established June this year and has an extremely valuable information that is in my opinion is better than paid e-books that is selling in the internet marketing world. Because of his online success, I read all about his writing in his personal blog and this is where I found out about John Chow's The Tech Zone. John Chow was a featured guest on Aojon Radio Show talking about Ways to increase your CTR with contextual ads.

Landing on John Chow's blog, I saw this traffic graphs:

I was hooked on John Chow's writings. I've also discovered a lot of valuable information and tips on building websites and online related activities. Although I'm still far behind in the online publishing industry, John Chow is one of my many idols that I wish to model. Looking forward for his brilliant writing and hope he could share a lot more of it for aspiring Dot Com Mogul like myself.

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