I have been extremely busy even before the last weekend. There were sudden policy changes over the project that my company is working on which in result causing me to go back at 3am in the morning. I am not the type who can stay up at night doing work so I hated that. After giving some thoughts, I think I can nag all day long but that will not change anything. I need to do something to change my situation. Eventually, I justify all my unsatisfactory towards building my career to complement my lifestyle.
I can't give up now, especially after reading this very interesting letter:
What School Don't Teach You About Money!From the desk of Wendy Tan,
CEO, Globe Engineering Sdn Bhd
& Globe Success Learning Sdn Bhd
Dear Ashrufzz,
There are very few people in this world who can truly say, "I don't need to know about finances because I'm financially secure". Most people in fact, wonder why they aren't making more money than they already have. The other wish that most people have is to increase their savings for the future.
To improve your financial standing, you need to really look at how you treat money. What type of spending attitude you have towards money? Where did your 'Money Beliefs' come from?
I came from a very poor family and once thought that I was a nobody, and I did have problems in relationships and business that I was desperate to solve, just like everyone else. I credit the Money and You program in helping me initiate breaking my mental barriers. And I applaud you being open to resolve the things that obstruct your path to success by going through powerful programs like the Sales Ninja Training.
(Ashrufzz Note: There are plenty of money making programs in Kuala Lumpur alone)~~THINKING IS THE HARDEST WORK THERE IS ...THAT'S WHY SO FEW PEOPLE ENGAGE IN IT~~Thinking is crucial because the quality of your thoughts will determine the quality of your life. But how do you start thinking in a more productive manner?
The answer lies in surrounding yourself with friends who ask from you more than you ask of yourself, being in environments which supports your growth, and around masters who have walked the talk.
Today, we have so much quality information that will help steer you in the right direction, providing you with choices in areas which you choose to undertake.
We have superior bookstores that stock excellent business, financial and relationship books that can guide you on how to do enhance every aspect of your life.
There are also first-class coaches, mentors and masters who can give you expert guidance on how to discover your potential, in your work, finance and business, relationships; great coaches like Shantelle Gold who's been supporting Money & You for over 20 years - experienced in clearing your blocks, Roger Konopasek who has an entertaining way to show you how to create powerful unique marketing propositions that enhance your marketing strategies or like Sen Ze, a 1-of-a-kind Internet Entrepreneur, who can teach you to get out of the rat race and start your own low-cost, high-profit internet business, and Hanzo Ng - Sales Ninja exponent.
~~FOR THINGS TO CHANGE, 1ST I MUST CHANGE~~To achieve success, you have got to engage yourself in a thinking process that wealthy and happily successful people engage in…
This means removing any obstacle that blocks your success. It wasn't easy for me to embark on my fresh new crusade.
I had feared change, just like I'm sure at times you do too.
Really, once we are comfortable in a routine, we fear upsetting the status quo, and we fear what the future holds if we make drastic changes in our lives.
But we can't expect others to change for us. We can't expect our boss to change, our business partner to change, our spouse to change, our friends to change, our family to change, our parents, brothers or sisters to change, our children to change. Only we can do it for ourselves.
Try it.
Once you get rid of all the things that aren't working in your life, a feeling of empowerment and control over your own life will occur.
To start making changes though, it's absolutely crucial that you are completely honest with yourself. The very last thing that you want to do is be in denial of your current situation, financial or otherwise and rob yourself of a chance to make a difference in your life - designing the life you want to live.
Tonight, before you go to sleep, get a piece of paper out.
Write down what your goal in life is.
Then, write down what are the obstacles that block your progress towards that goal.
Next, write down what the changes you can do to move forward, to reach your goal.
Place these written notes somewhere where you can see it.
I know that these are elementary techniques, but your mind is a powerful tool. And doing this will actually help you visualize your goal.
Action beats In-Action. Do it and experience the changes yourself.
In my next letter, I will share with you the habit of millionaires I myself have used towards achieving Financial Freedom… dubbed the Eighth Wonder of the World by Albert Einstein himself. It is the secret that makes people incredibly rich and all you have to do is to start small!
Wishing you COURAGE to go beyond your comfort zone & explore new horizons,
Wendy TanCEO, Globe Engineering Sdn Bhd& Globe Success Learning Sdn Bhd(+6012-335 7339, wendy@globesl.com)www.globesl.comwww.excellerated.comWendy Tan is an embodiment of Professional Asian Businesswoman. She has successfully made several career changes over the years, from sales to accounting to administration and operation, to financial management and marketing.
Since 1989, she has been involved in the fire protection and plumbing contracting. Together with her team, she has successfully completed more than RM200 million worth of contracts and the company is still growing by leaps and bounds using the knowledge learned from the Excellerated Business School.
She is now the CEO of Globe Engineering Sdn Bhd and three other subsidiaries - Globe Express Services, Globe M&E Services and Globe Success Learning. She is also the Director of D'World Hair Academy and Alif College. She firmly believes in lifelong education, caring for others and
growing the people in and around her business.
Her commitment, dedication and determination to uplift professional and personal development in people have been her passion since she attended Money & You in 1998 and BSE in 1999.
I'm tired of being a personal development junky. I'm going to work out something this year. Blog again soon...
P/S: Changing career is an option if you are fed up with your current jobs...However, there are many other options apart from that..just find a way, you'll find it eventually...