Sunday, September 03, 2006

International Hacking Competition 2006 at UiTM

Yesterday after my Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) class, I went to an event at the main hall of the university. If you didn't know, Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM) was my former university where I did my diploma there. During my years there, the facilities were being upgraded and there were a lot of development for new building and infrastructure. I could only experience a few of them before I finished my studies there back in 2003. This year, I'm back again as a student eventhough I'm not taking a major course.

The event I went was:

International Hacking Competition 2006

You can click on the image above to see some pictures the student have taken. I'm just giving out my reviews on what I saw and experience yesterday. Firstly, I wonder why they call it 'International Hacking Competition' when there was no international people participating. However, I do want to congratulate the effort that was done by the organizers. There were a few other organizations that opened up their booth. I didn't go the talks they've conducted because of time constraint but I wish I had went to the 'hacking class' on Friday.

Overall, I could see how hacking is an interesting subject. Hacking is not a bad thing, it maybe useful in an event of certain circumstances. I can pretty much do hacking myself given time and determinations. Hacking is learnable if you have the will, the brain power and creativity to resort on other alternatives. The key is to try, try and try until you succeed. You'll never know what you can achieve when you never done it. So, DO IT!!

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