Tuesday, May 04, 2004


Today I've been inspired by someone else's blog page and I am impressed how her web blog is doing. Personally I never thought of writing openly for public view, still it's interesting when you open up to the world. Who knows, opportunity may knock your doors right? I know a lot of you people out there have experience this before and it's an amazing thing how communication skills can do to you.

It's actually Tuesday by the time I'm typing this out. Just now, I was enjoying my Monday night routine which is watching TV. I love Monday night and BTW, it's a holiday here at my place. I believe that the people who are reading my writing are smart enough to know about messages they give through the TV. It's simply a remarkable thing, no wonder people on TV can get rich quicker than the rest of us, don't you think?

At the moment, I'm trying to brainstorm my brain out to find something that I can sell on the internet. It's day 47 since I started doing affiliate marketing. Anyone who's interested or maybe who have tried it before can contact me anytime. Two minds are better than one, so let's do something together, shall we?

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